Vickie Zenker
Keller Williams Green Meadow
כל משרד של Keller Williams® הוא בבעלות עצמאית ומופעל
I have been with Keller Williams for Nearly 8 years. During my tenure with Keller Williams, I have held the title of Productivity Coach, Assistant Team Leader, Co-Team Leader, and Maps Coach. I am currently the Team Leader of Productivity and Coaching in South Oklahoma. My mission is to help Agents Grow their businesses through Mindset and Productivity. Agents in the coaching program last year grew their business by 293%. Prior to my KW days, I was in the Mortgage Industry where my team closed over 170M (Highest 183M/ 973 Closings) in production 5 years in a row and had the highest ROI in the Region.
הפרטים שלי
התמחויות וייעודים
Business Development and Growth Coach, Previously MAPS Coach
השתייכות צבאית
Military Spouse - United States United States Navy
מרכז השוק
Keller Williams Green Meadow